Immersion for a Deep Transformation

Our truth already exists within us, but we lose ourselves along the way, seeking acceptance and belonging.

We need to walk the path back to return to who we truly are.

A deep and transformative immersion, carried out over 23 years with more than 500 people from Brazil, Portugal, Chile, the United States, Mexico, Canada, Peru, Argentina, India, and Egypt.

A peeling away of the layers of the ego to uncover our primordial wound,


and a return to our genuine expression, our authentic nature.




Gestalt Therapy – Therapeutic dynamics that help us anchor and integrate, putting us face-to-face with our limits and shadows.


Systemic Therapy / Systemic Constellations – Dynamics that bring awareness and order to our personal story in the context of our family system.


Body – Physical techniques derived from physical theater to explore and express our deepest selves through the body.


Art– Expands the space for expressing our inspirations and emotions.


And at each step of the journey, we will be accompanied by our beloved Clowns, whose loving presence will guide us through the depths of our hearts and emotional wounds. They will lead us to the core of our deepest truths, revealing the secrets we’ve hidden even from ourselves.

Next Immersion
Torres Vedras, Portugal

October 30th (evening) to November 3rd, 2024

Click here to learn more about Hidden Truth


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